URGENT ALERT: Sudan war enters second year as crisis grows

With each passing day, an alarming number of 1,000 refugees are forced to flee across the border into South Sudan, driven by the harrowing realities of violence, hunger, and uncertainty.

These refugees, alongside South Sudanese returnees from Sudan, are confronted with immense challenges as they seek safety and stability.

According to the UN, the scale of internal displacement within Sudan is staggering, with over 6.7 million people uprooted from their homes. Additionally, an estimated 1.8 million refugees have sought sanctuary in neighbouring countries, further exacerbating the strain on resources and support systems.

In response to this humanitarian crisis, SmartAID has been actively engaged in providing assistance, working in collaboration with donors, partner charities, and the South Sudanese government.

However, the needs are immense and multifaceted, requiring urgent funding and more coordinated efforts to address the growing humanitarian gaps.

We cannot let this become another forgotten emergency.

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